Fiera Antwerp - Contact
We are Fiera

We’re happy to serve you from Monday till Sunday from 12AM to 12PM.
Do you have any questions about our menu?
Please do not hesitate to contact us below.




Would you like to book a table? Visit our Reservation page.

Car park

You can park your car in Q-park Handelsbeurs at Sint Katelijnvest 55.
Make your parking reservation for lunch or dinner via this link.

Public transport

Fiera is located in the heart of Antwerp. Perfectly accessible by train, metro, bicycle or on foot.

It’s a fifteen-minute walk from Antwerp Station. You can also take the metro to Antwerp Meir and walk another 4 minutes.

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Opening hours

Monday to Sunday
12AM – 12PM

+32 3 369 23 32

Lange Nieuwstraat 14
2000 Antwerpen



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